In collaboration with The Ohio History Connection Museum, my group of three created a short animated video about the significance of the women's suffrage movement to supplement the museum's children's summer program. Because 2020 was the centennial of the women's suffrage movement, we chose to feature the ways that we have progressed with women's rights in the last 100 years.
I contributed to scene building, illustrations, character varieties, audio recording, and editing.
Completed Video

Mood Board
Our mood board helps us decide a visual identity for our characters and backgrounds. Considering a bright color palette we experimented with how we can represent various groups with a harmonious collection of colors.
I used Adobe Premier Pro to remove background noise and adjust the volume to be consistent throughout. I then took the four files and started splicing them together to create one seamless conversation between our characters. Finally, I added sound effects to a background track to better tell the story including crowd chatter, birds tweeting, and cars moving.

Our script features the inequality minority groups of women still face today, we used three characters to represent minority groups, including a black woman, an indigenous woman, and a trans woman, along with one white woman who mainly discusses the past, since our past is built upon white privilege. We included masks as this video is set in 2020 during COVID-19 guidelines.
Based on these original characters designed by my group members, I used the basic structure to create a large collection of various background characters to include in our scenes using Adobe Illustrator

Supporting Illustrations

Scene Building
My team member created a long background used for present day scenes. Based on this original background scene I created variations to be used for flashbacks and explanations.

Course: Design Media
Instructor: Shadrick Addy