Wellness Reimagined is a mental health workbook containing various information and exercises to better regulate one's emotions. With accessibility in mind, I thought of a way to get clinical practices to users who don't have easy access to professional help. The current market of self-help is vast, I found that there is not a lack of books offering clinical information, but a lack of familiarity and comfort surrounding the topic.  Wellness Reimaged helps introduce mental healthcare and management without the need for clinical intervention.
Clear instructions, supporting visuals, and various layouts to combat the rigid feeling surrounding clinical information. Hand-drawn illustrations, calm colors, and a variety of worksheets create a sense of comfort, allowing readers to engage in self-care practices without any intimidation or confusion caused by clinical jargon and textbook-like presentation. Users also have access to a phone app holding a digital version of the book, video instructions for wellness exercises, and a location-based resource search. Finally, users receive fun stickers, keychains, and wallpaper to encourage wellness every day outside of workbook use. 
Project Video Explanation
Course: Visual Communication Design Research 3
Instructor: Dr. Peter Chang